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Saturday, October 23, 2010

World Book's

World books and important books. It is essential with our life most people is not read world book so. This site is only some write and cope from writer but I am not writer.
 Description: The earliest modern timeline was created by Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg (1709-1779) in 1753. This ``Carte chronologique'' was an annotated timeline of history (from Creation) on a 54-foot scroll. It included names and descriptive events, grouped thematically, with symbols denoting character (martyr, tyrant, heretic, noble, upright, etc.) and profession (painter, theologian, musician, monk, etc.)

Description: John B. Sparks developed this Histomap of World History: The Story of Civilization in a Single Timeline around 1932. The current version shows significant historical events from about 2000 B.C. to 2000 A.D. in a vertical format (about 29 cm x 160 cm).
Different vertical strips show various peoples and civilizations, with width proportional to influence at the time. The vertical time scale is not uniform, and suggests the true logarithmic timescale developed at about the same time by Heinze Von Foerster.

Goodbye Book World

In another sign that literary criticism is losing its profile in newspapers, The Washington Post has decided to shutter the print version of Book World, its Sunday stand-alone book review section, and shift reviews to space inside two other sections of the pape